Chapters · Recipes

Recipe 4 – Eggs Sunny Side Up (On Toast)





Good afternoon. Miss Neet here. It is late afternoon in this other world. I’m currently watching Edward build a fire in the cooking fire pits outside. In a world where there is no modern technology, the smallest tasks can be fairly time consuming.  

1919466_947347802017238_1146331391174286419_nWe spent the whole morning riding until we arrived at his lands. Edward had a two person saddle on his horse which had three horns on it. Edward rode slowly so the extra weight wouldn’t fatigue the horse too much so it was a really long journey. My butt really hurts. We talked a bit but not all too much. I was too busy trying not to fall off the horse.

Edward truly was a lord of the manor. When he introduced me to his family, it was full of “Vons” and four to five syllable first names.His wife and elder daughters looked a bit askew when they saw my curtsy. The youngest daughter repressed a laugh. 

Right now, that youngest daughter is sitting next to me as we watch her father build a fire pit. The cooks and everyone else is keeping out of the way due to Edward’s warning. Edward sighed when he saw his youngest following us about but he sent her to help me commandeer some things to cook with.

We grabbed some two leather skins of water, bread, lard and a frying pan from the kitchens. I’m sitting down right now, waiting for Edward to tell me whether the fire is ready, so I’m slicing bread right now. Edward has taken some of the toast to toast as a test for the fire. 

“Are you unused to riding?” asked the youngest daughter eagerly. She’s 10, golden hair in ringlets, perfect posture and self-assured even at her young age. I don’t know whether these people know Edward is from another world so I’m not quite sure how to respond. I’ve never been too good with girls anyway.

“Yes, I’ve never been on a horse at all. Not even on that two person saddle,” I answered slowly, putting the water skins into my shopping bags.

“It is called a kish!” she said importantly, “Father uses it whenever he goes on a mission. It is used to transport the weak or the unable quickly on horses!”

“Oh I didn’t know that,” I responded, rummaging through my shopping bags for the eggs. Eggy egg egg. 

“What is Father doing?” she asked, “Mother told us to stay out of his way.”

“So why aren’t you out of her way. We’re cooking eggs,” I said, lifting out the eggs and placing the carton on my lap. I put the water skins carefully in the shopping bags. 

“What are eggs? What is that?” she asked, pointing to the bag. 

“Birds lay them to give birth to their young. And eco-bag.” I said absently as I looked over each egg. The girl tried to grab an egg but I lightly swatted her hand away.

“No they do no!” she said huffily.

“They don’t?” I asked. Whoops. Another world. I forgot to take into account fundamental differences between worlds. 

“No! Birds give birth by hibernating for a month and then popping them out!” she declared, “Nanny taught me that! We went bird watching for three months!  Well not everyone would know that,” she conceded, “But those things are called eggs? How do you eat them?”

Edward motioned over to us. He nodded at me. The girl and I walked over to the fire and I handed over the pan, the lard and the eggs to Edward, one by one. 

“You’ll find out,” I said as we watched Edward place the lard on the pan, wait for it to melt and moved it with a knife, in order to cover the whole of the frying pan. He cracked open the egg with one hand and dropped it onto the pan, where it sizzled. He then dropped the egg onto the toast.

He handed it to me but I should my head and indicated towards him. The man went around 30 years without an egg. He needs this. He nodded gratefully at me. There was a loud crunch as Edward bit into the egg and toast, tears dripping from his eyes. His daughter looked up, eyes wide as she moved to comfort Edward.

I walked over to the log and picked up the shopping bags. I smiled and dropped into back into the black void.

Ahh fuck.

Author’s note:

There is an art to making eggs sunny side up. An art called making it as crispy as possible. Well I like mind with a sunny yolk but a really crisp bottom.


  1. Melt butter on saucepan over high heat.
  2. Slip the egg on. You can choose to cover the egg with a sauce pan lid. Pour in a small amount of water to steam the egg.
  3. Slip the egg on toast.





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